Hani Gomez, Ph.D.: Computing Pedagogy at the Nexus of Technology and Social Justice


EECS alumna Hani Gomez (Ph.D. ’20, advisor: Kris Pister) is the subject of a Berkeley Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS) profile titled “Hani Gomez, Ph.D.: Computing Pedagogy at the Nexus of Technology and Social Justice.”  Gomez was born in Bolivia and earned her B.S. in EE at the University of South Carolina before coming to Berkeley for her graduate studies.  She has merged social justice and technology into a post-doc research position at Berkeley, split between EECS and the Human Contexts and Ethics (HCE) program in CDSS.  Gomez helped develop the course CS 194-100 EECS for All: Social Justice in EECS last spring, was one of three presenters in a June HCE workshop titled “Towards Social Justice in the Data Science Classroom,” and serves on the EECS Anti-Racism Committee.  She says the preoccupation with perfectionism at Berkeley “doesn’t leave room [for you] to learn from your mistakes…You need to give yourself room to learn or unlearn, to grow and relearn.”