The MIT Press Logo books: Clayson, James, "Visual Modeling with Logo" Geometric activities such as tiling, with a lot of detailed attention to actual patterns used in different cultures. ISBN 0-262-53069-4 Cuoco, Albert, "Investigations in Algebra" Examples mainly from combinatorics and number theory used to develop ideas in abstract algebra. ISBN 0-262-53071-6 Goldenberg, E. Paul, and Wallace Feurzeig, "Exploring Language with Logo" Linguistics topics, exploring the structure of large units (poems) down to small units (sound and spelling of words). ISBN 0-262-57065-3 Hoyles, Celia, and Richard Noss, "Learning Mathematics and Logo" A collection of research papers about various aspects of the use of Logo in math classrooms. ISBN 0-262-08207-1 Lewis, Philip G., "Approaching Precalculus Mathematics Discretely" Vectors, transformations on the plane, graphs of functions, limits, and other such topics. ISBN 0-262-62063-4 MIT Press books not in the series, but of related interest: Abelson, Harold, and Andrea diSessa, "Turtle Geometry" A well-known classic, with a very advanced look at the mathematics behind the graphics. ISBN 0-262-01063-1 Harvey, Brian, "Computer Science Logo Style" second edition My three-volume series: 1. Symbolic Computing ISBN 0-262-58148-5 2. Advanced Techniques ISBN 0-262-58149-3 3. Beyond Programming ISBN 0-262-58150-7 three-volume set ISBN 0-262-58151-5 The first volume is basically a Logo programming text with the emphasis on list processing (hardly any graphics). The second alternates tutorials on advanced Logo features with example programming projects, with commentary on program style. The third is the first week of six college courses, from automata theory through compilers to artificial intelligence. Harvey, Brian, "Simply Scheme" More or less the first Logo book redone in Scheme. ISBN 0-262-08281-0 Solomon, Cynthia, "Computer Environments for Children" A research document describing and comparing four different approaches to the use of computers in education, including Logo. ISBN 0-262-19249-7 Other advanced Logo books: Boecker, Heinz-Dieter, Hal Eden, and Gerhard Fischer, "Interactive Problem Solving Using Logo" Applications to math, CS, AI, linguistics, games. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, ISBN 0-8058-0305-X Burke, Michael P., and L. Roland Genise, "Logo and Models of Computation" An introductory computer science text for undergraduates and for high school students and their teachers. Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-20791-5 Friendly, Michael, "Advanced Logo, a Language for Learning" Intended as a second book for high school and college students who already know Logo. Examples from generative grammar, physical laws of motion, AI and robotics, and calculus. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, ISBN 0-89859-933-4 Thornburg, David D., "Beyond Turtle Graphics" An attempt to rescue young BASIC programmers. Examples from graphics, sounds, and word-and-list symbolic programming. Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-20427-4